Monsoons. These are the big storms that last a while, maybe even permanently. When one of our families in Africa sold their daughter to a Muslim in marriage, that was a monsoon. When the husband beat her and she ran away - that was a monsoon. When he found her and cut her hand off for running away - that was a monsoon. When she ran away again because he cut her hand off -- that was a monsoon. When he cut her other hand off for running away again - that was a monsoon. When he told her if she ran away again, he would cut off her foot - that was a monsoon. When there was no civil government to appeal to for help and since she is his property, he can do what he wants to his property - that was a monsoon. Her situation would not change - she would live in it. How dreadfully sad to see her in the marketplace selling her tomatoes with only stubs. Beggars would steal her money and she would chase them down beating them with her stubs trying to get her money back. Yet, she loved the Lord and was faithful to Him.
Countless others we have worked with face their monsoons everyday. Going home for a break is supposed to be a joyous occasion to most students, but one faced a murder, and another was dropped off while her mother went off on her own vacation. It was three days before an uncle dropped by with some groceries. One lady's husband fell into sin and she contracted AIDS. One couple was told by their village that if they persisted in going to Bible School, the village would pray to their gods that their children would die. We buried two of those children that next year.
What are your monsoons? Monsoons unusually reveal themselves in losses; losing a loved one, a home, a ministry, a marriage, your child to sin or sickness, your health, your reputation, or your financial stability. How do you survive the monsoons in your life? How did others, like the Apostle Paul?
How could Paul:
- Sing hymns from the belly of a dungeon?
- Stay faithful while being stoned?
- Keep confident while being shipwrecked?
- Remain steadfast while being lied about?
- Rejoice while being rejected by friends?
- Continue when tired and hungry?
Paul was not living to please himself.
He had one burning passion.
That passion was to live for the glory of God and the Pleasure of God.
"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21
We function as our Creator designed us to live when we are
Living all of life
In the presence of God
Under the authority of God
And to the glory of God.
God even controls the Monsoons. And He carries us through them. What a great God!