
Thunderstorms of Testing

Thunderstorms of Testing
The thunderstorms of testing are irritants that test your patience. These are greater than an annoyance but not crushing as anguish. Your home is flooded. You are failing in school. You are robbed. There is tension between you and a co-worker. Song of Solomon speaks of the little foxes. Solomon and his bride are walking through the vineyards. She notices a couple of young foxes running through the vineyards, wrestling and tumbling with each other. She laughs, "Aren't they adorable, Solomon!" He wraps an arm around her, "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes." (Song of Solomon 2:15). Often the little things can become huge conflicts. Beware the little foxes. Goodnight.

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